Woman in yellow raincoat strolling with dog in open field.

Ready to take the next step?



Ready to take the next step?

Find out how to navigate the road to recovery

Before leaving the hospital, you may have received a lot of new information and instructions from your healthcare team. All of this can be hard, especially during the first few days and weeks. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional questions about anything you are unsure of.

Follow-up with your doctor

Regular doctor appointments are essential to monitor your heart health and medicines. You can do this in-person, via the internet or phone (telehealth appointments) or a combination. These consults allow you to discuss any questions you have about your medicines, physical and emotional health, or your recovery in general. They are there to help, so don’t be afraid to talk about any concerns you may have.

Your doctor may recommend you attend a cardiac rehabilitation program as part of your recovery plan. Speak to your doctor about a cardiac rehab program near you. We dive into more detail about cardiac rehab in Week 2.

Taking your medicines

Make sure you keep taking all your medicines as prescribed. This may be challenging at first so ask your doctor, pharmacist or other healthcare professional if you are unsure.

Organising your medicines can help you remember to take them and make sure you take them correctly. If you have trouble remembering to take your medicines or find it confusing, ask your pharmacist for some suggestions.

It’s important to keep a list of your medicines for when you see your doctor or in case of an emergency. Keep a list in your wallet or on your phone or computer. You can even download our handy My medicines list resource.

For each of your medicines, make a note of:

Your doctor or pharmacist can help you note down this information if you're unsure. Take the list to all of your healthcare appointments, including allied health and dental appointments.

Connecting with others

Connecting with others is important for your recovery. When you feel ready, reach out to family members, friends and loved ones to share your experience. It might take time to feel comfortable doing this, but sharing what’s happening can help them support you.

Remember, the MyHeart MyLife community is a place to share your experience of living with a heart condition and to get support from others. It is a safe, online group, moderated by the Heart Foundation, where you can connect with others who are on a similar journey. 

A woman holding a cup of tea

Last updated16 July 2024

Last reviewed09 July 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

© 2025 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761