As well as caring for your loved one, you may have other responsibilities at home, work or both which can cause stress. While stress itself is not bad, frequent or prolonged stress can affect your health and wellbeing.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself too.
Recognised stress in your daily life is the first step to managing it. Carer Gateway has created this useful checklist to help identify any stress you are experiencing. Try it now.
You can then develop a plan to address the top three problems that you can change.
It's important to reach out for help, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed. Caring for someone is a huge task, and a bit of extra support can make a big difference. If you are unable to get help from friends and family, there are other resources such as the Carer Gateway.
It’s also a good idea to check that the person you’re caring for is getting all the financial support they’re entitled to. They can check to see if they’re eligible for benefits through Centrelink.
Last updated26 July 2024
Last reviewed01 July 2024