Make sure that the healthy goals you’ve set yourself become a habit
As you reflect on your heart health journey over the past few months, it's important to review the healthy changes you wanted to make. Use the goals you’ve set as a roadmap for the future, guiding your actions. Which goals were achievable and which ones weren’t? What are your goals for the next three, six and twelve months? Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and keep pushing forward. Remain adaptable to adjust your course when necessary.
Turning your goals into habits
Below is a summary of what you have learned so far and our top tips for looking after your heart.
Make heart-healthy choices
- Follow a heart-healthy eating pattern which includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, healthy proteins, unflavoured reduced fat dairy products, healthy fats and oils and herbs and spices to flavour food instead of salt.
- Keep active by aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day.
- Maintain a healthy weight through healthy eating and physical activity.
- Quit smoking (if you smoke) and avoid secondhand smoke.
- If you don't drink alcohol, don't start. If you do drink, aim to cut down your intake. Try alternating drinks with plain or sparkling water, or opt for low or zero alcohol options.
- Identify sources of stress in your life and look for ways to reduce and manage them.
Take your medicines
It's important to take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor. They will help keep you well. Don't stop or change the dose of your medicines without speaking to your doctor first.