Older male with beard and headphones, wearing white t-shirt sitting at home meditating, holding his heart

Healthy habits to manage stress



Healthy habits to manage stress

It's normal to experience stress, especially after a heart event or diagnosis, but there are healthy ways to manage it

Life can be stressful at times for everyone, but it can be even more challenging after a heart event or diagnosis. Stress, worry and fear can weigh heavy on your heart and affect your healing. The good news is that we can decide how we let stress impact our lives. We are all unique and handle things in different ways.

Take some time to look at the sources of stress in your life and find out what works for you when it comes to managing your stress in a healthy way.

Finding healthy ways to manage stress is key to improving physical and mental health. Here are a few helpful tips on how to improve your response to stressful situations.

Mature woman wearing a pashmina leaning on a railing and looking out at the sunset over the ocean

Focus on what you can control

When it comes to your heart, there are some things you can control, and some you can't. It's important to learn to accept what you cannot change and focus on what you can. Shift your focus towards the positive things you can do to reduce the impact of stress on your heart health.

A group of people holding hands and looking at the sunset at the beach.

Positive self-reinforcement

Think and talk about yourself in a positive way. Leave negative thoughts and words behind and focus on lifting yourself up. Instead of ‘I can’t’ thoughts and phrases, use ‘I can’ or ‘I will give it a try’.

Mature man with beard sitting in woods on a summer day

Take time out from the digital world

Unplug and make some time for screen-free activities. Choose to be present in the moment and make time for connecting with others.

An older lady doing yoga.

Take care of your mind and body

Make time each day to prioritise your physical and mental health. Breathe, stretch, eat well, listen to music or read a book. Talk to others, or try sharing your experiences in our MyHeart MyLife online community!

Mindfulness and meditation for stress management

Mindfulness is a mental state of being fully present in the moment, free from distraction or judgment, while meditation refers to a more formal practice of mindfulness. These techniques can be used to calm the mind, and enhance awareness of ourselves, our thoughts and our environment.

When practised regularly, mindfulness and meditation can help:

Some basic mindfulness and meditation techniques include:

There are many high-quality mindfulness and meditation practices available online, many of which are free. Try searching 'mindfulness' or 'guided meditation' on Google, YouTube or your favourite podcast app.

Take some time today to find the method that works for you and start feeling the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.

Last updated16 July 2024

Last reviewed14 June 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

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