A group of senior retirees exercising together.

Check in on your progress



Check in on your progress

Tracking your progress ensures that you’re making strides towards your health goals

Setting goals for healthy changes and turning them into habits can have a positive impact on your heart health.  But it’s important to review your progress so you can identify any challenges and adjust your goals as a result.

What actions have you taken to achieve your goals? Are you on track to achieve them? Or do you need to revise your goals?

Try to answer the following questions and think of the next steps you can take.

Tips for sticking to your heart health goals

Have a ‘goal buddy’. Reach out to a friend or someone in your family who knows the goals you are working towards. Your goal buddy can help you stay motivated and keep you on track.

Try the ‘don’t break the chain’ method. Put a calendar on your wall or use a calendar app on your phone if that works better for you. On each day that you achieve your goal, mark the day with a red ‘X’ or write ‘done’. Seeing all days marked can give you a sense of satisfaction and motivation to keep going and not break the chain.

Last updated14 June 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

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