A group of five mature adults in active wear going for a walk together

The benefits of peer support



The benefits of peer support

You’re not alone - reach out and connect with others who understand what you’re going through

Coming to terms with a diagnosis of heart disease and learning to live with a long-term condition can be challenging. It’s common to experience anxiety, depression and to feel socially isolated.

It’s important to know you’re not alone and that many other people are experiencing the same feelings, worries and concerns as you. Connecting with other people living with heart disease is a great way to get support to help with these emotions.

Benefits of peer support

Peer support is where people with common experiences or who face similar challenges come together to give and receive support.

Someone who has had a heart event or diagnosis can offer empathy, practical advice and emotional support to others who are also on their recovery journey. This shared understanding can help you feel less isolated and more supported as you navigate your own path.

If starting or maintaining healthy habits is challenging, peer support can help motivate you. It can also provide a sense of community where you can freely share your concerns, ask questions and celebrate milestones together. And it doesn’t have to be in person – there are many online communities, social media groups and forums that can be especially useful if you’re located in a rural or remote community.

Join the MyHeart MyLife community

The MyHeart MyLife community is a safe online group moderated by the Heart Foundation where you can share your experience of living with a heart condition, give and receive support, and discover ways to lead a heart-healthy life with others who are on a similar journey.

Discover the MyHeart MyLife online community

Join a Heart Foundation Walking group

Joining a walking group is a great way to find support, feel better and make friends. Walking is good for your heart, body and mind. When you walk with others, you can talk and share your experiences, helping you to feel less alone. Find a Heart Foundation Walking group.

If you live somewhere without a walking group, don’t despair! Why not start your own group?

Last updated26 July 2024

Last reviewed01 July 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

© 2025 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761